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Saturday, September 18, 2010Strap-O-Licious
1) The Bills surprised no one, and stunk it up in the season opener against Miami. With so many jockstraps to go around, who will the brothers choose? Dave Andreychuck, anyone???
2) Clinton Portis uttered some craziness about female journalists in locker rooms. Guess who's coming to Clinton's defense? It's Riley! 3) No matter what the big-wigs at 2 Bills Drive say, Marshawn "Beast Mode" Lynch is on the trading block. But what can the Bills expect to get in return for a guy who carried the ball three times last week and still has some chick's weave stuck in his grill from that DUI down in Allentown? 4) Even in the wake of yet another disatrous performance, Bennett maintains his man-love for Trent Edwards. Will Riley talk some sense into his brother, or will Bennett remain the only Trent Edwards fan out there? 5) Reggie Bush has to return the Heisman. The brothers both think it's bullshit. And can't Reggie just say he lost the damn thing? 6) The Bills travel to Green Bay to get their asses handed to them this weekend. No way the Bills will win, but can they at least keep it close? Listen in for the scoop. |
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