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Friday, March 26, 2010Looking Back...In Anger!
1) With the draft quickly approaching, the brothers take a look back at the 2009 draft. Aaron Maybin, are you officially a bust yet?
2) Bennett had his first bowl of Count Chocula and he's pretty excited about it. Anything better than The Count? Maybe some Little Debbie snack cakes. 3) With the decade having come to a close, many fans are putting together their all decade 4) Time for a little Price is Right. Would you trade Beast Mode for a 4th round pick? Would you trade Demetrius Bell for a case of beer and bucket of chicken wings? Yeah, tough one. Think about it. 5) The Sabres are sitting in first place in the division, and look poised for a solid playoff run. But are they ready for a run at the cup? The brothers debate. |
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