Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Friday, December 11, 2009


Canadian Crap

1) The Bills went up to Toronto and for the second straight season bored the brothers to tears. Nice business move, Ralph. When will the frozen head do something right?

2) With only a few games left, Riley and Bennett are clamoring for a on-field glimpse of the young guns. Paging Aaron Maybin. Maybin? Maybin?

3) Yes, that Toronto game sucked. Let's go over it again.

4) Pictures have surfaced of a naked OJ toweling off in the locker room sometime circa 1977. Dude is hung. Check it out? Don't worry, you're not gay--just curious.

5) With so many injuries out there these days, Riley and Bennett ponder which one they'd care for the least. Hmmm...groin pull anyone?

6) The Bills head for an exciting showdown with Kansas City, a team that just might be more pathetic than the Bills. Ready for a 9-6 thriller?

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When he's not writing, or cringing over a rank diaper, you can find Bennett in his LA backyard with a six pack of PBR, ruminating on today's most significant issues, such as how does Magic Shell ice cream topping really work, what happened to Darick Holmes, and why does Bennett's cat insist on crapping in the bathtub.

After spending three years in soccer-loving country, Riley craves his Bills fix. Every Sunday you can find him at McFadden's in DC.

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