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Wednesday, November 25, 2009Bills Can't Turn Corner
1) The Bills went down to Jacksonville, played okay for about forty-five minutes, then lost. Sound familiar? Oh yeah.
2) You know you're a Bills fan when you: A) Make love to your woman in a Don Beebe jersey B) Have a podcast and blog devoted to the Bills even though they let you down year after year C) Pee in the sink D) All of the above 3) Bothered by all the knee injuries in the NFL, Bennett wonders why they just don't make knee braces mandatory. And while we're going there, why not jockstraps? 4) The brothers quick-hit a few topics. Fewell as head coach? Fitz as qb? Peeing in the sink? 5) Cowher and Gruden said no. Do the Bills have a legit shot at bringing in a big name, big money coach, or are we destined for some lowly re-tread? 6) Miami comes to town. Remember when this game actually meant something? Yeah, it's been awhile. |
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