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Wednesday, October 21, 2009Sanchize: You Suck!
1) The Bills intercepted Marc Sanchez five times, leading to the Bills first AFC East victory in, well, a long ass time. Kudos to the defensive backs who made it happen.
2) Is it okay to read a newspaper left by some dude in the office bathroom? The brothers debate. 3) You're Ralph Wilson for a day. Would you fire the coaching staff? Get a new GM? Freeze your head like Ted Williams? Hmmmm. 4) The Bills are 2-4, but could easily by 4-2. Who are the Bills, really? 5) Time to head south, where the Bills meet Carolina and a running game looking to gash the Bills line for big yards. The brothers are pretty sure the Bills will lose that battle, but who will win the war? |
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