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Tuesday, October 13, 2009Cleveland Steamer
1) The Bills put on one of the worst, most pathetic displays of what some actually had the gall to call "football." Straps aplenty.
2) Dick is on his way out, either in the next couple weeks or at season's end. Where's he headed next? Or rather, what job would suit him best? Bennett's got an idea. Thanks to Skunkpost for the topic. 3) Some inebriated fans absconded with a life-size wood carving of Thurman Thomas, claiming they just meant to "save it." Sweet. 4) The injuries keep piling up for an already depleted Bills squad. Is it a reasonable excuse for their poor play? Riley sure doesn't think so. 5) The Bills head to Jersey in search of another painful ass-stomping. Oh, the horror.
Thank, man. We like to think of ourselves as the place to go when the Bills suck. When they're good, we're actually forced to talk about football rather than, say, toilet paper.
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