Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Friday, April 24, 2009


Move Down!

Reports from ESPN show that the Patriots are looking to move down in tomorrow's draft. The Pats are looking to move up from #23 to the 10-20 range to grab DE Ayers using their battery of 2nd and 3rd rounders.

Here's my take: This is a deep draft, but not a superstar draft. A lot of the players the Bills are thinking about at #11 will be there at #23. Moving down is rare and difficult. Do it. Yes, the Pats will get the better of the deal as they always do. But the Bills can probably get an extra 2nd round pick out of the deal and start filling in that offensive line.

they say you should never deal with teams in your own division...but look what the pats did with bledsoe a few years back...sure worked out for them!
Pats can deal with anyone they want, inside or outside their division.

I think draft picks for draft picks can be done inside the division. There's no information transfer, revenge storylines, or amped up players involved. Bills want more picks. Patriots want their guy. Better we benefit than some other team like Denver.
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