Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


NFL Realpolitik

1) Riley dishes his nut to an old favorite while Bennett laud's the Bills' much maligned offensive (or OFFENSIVE) line. The stench of a rank jockstrap emanates from a familiar place. JV.

2) JP Losman is definitely out of Buffalo this offseason. Destination? Venice Beach? Toronto? The unibomber's shack? Wherever it is, we're all glad it won't be here.

3) Jason Peters goes to the Pro Bowl. WHAT?? JASON PETERS IN THE PRO BOWL??

4) Bennett went to 75 year-old Marge for a mohawk. Think it went well? Think again.

5) Rumors are that Jauron is sitting on a new contract. Forget the contract, why the secrecy game? Has Ralph lost it? And maybe keeping Jauron around for another couple years isn't a terrible idea. Are the Brothers as crazy as Ralph? Tune in to find out.

6) The Bills drag the sorry carcas that is their season to Denver for the year's penultimate game. Riley's two down with two games to go. Can he close the gap? Tune in.

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When he's not writing, or cringing over a rank diaper, you can find Bennett in his LA backyard with a six pack of PBR, ruminating on today's most significant issues, such as how does Magic Shell ice cream topping really work, what happened to Darick Holmes, and why does Bennett's cat insist on crapping in the bathtub.

After spending three years in soccer-loving country, Riley craves his Bills fix. Every Sunday you can find him at McFadden's in DC.

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