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Wednesday, December 10, 2008Canadian Crap
1) The Bills drove two hours for a "home game" and delivered their most pathetic performance of the season. Hope you're happy, Ralph.
2) How quickly it all went sour. Two months ago the Bills were flying high and Dick Jauron was the toast of Western New York. Now everyone wants him out. Including the brothers. 3) Third string QB Gibran Hamdan hasn't seen the field this year, but Riley desperately wants the guy to go jihad out there before the season ends. 4) A couple got caught having sex in the bathroom at The Ralph a few Sundays back. Disgusting. Or is it? 5) The Bills head to the big apple for a date with the Jets, a team -- unlike the Bills -- with a real shot at the playoffs. The brothers disagree on just what will happen come Sunday. |
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