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Thursday, November 20, 2008Wide Right: Monday Night Edition!
1) Dick Jauron and Trent Edwards teamed up -- with a little help from Rian Lindell -- to send the Bills to their fourth consecutive defeat. At least it's Thursday and Riley's head is officially out of the oven by now.
2) Only a few weeks ago the Bills were the darlings of the NFL. Now they're in last place in the AFC East and the brothers are willing to concede the season over. Let's talk draft! 3) Riley and the rest of the out of town crew is making the trek to sunny LA for Thanksgiving. Turkey, stuffing, and a handicapped toilet await. 4) The Cleveland loss was bad. But was it worse than having the runs for three straight days? Was it worse than your woman putting you in a "non sex situation" for a month? Listen to the brothers debate. 5) A month ago Dick Jauron was a shoo-in for a contract extension. Now Riley and Bennett are dialing up Marv Levy and inquiring as to his availability. 6) The Bills head to KC to face a bunch of scrubs dressed in red. Please Trent, don't fuck this one up. |
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