Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Friday, November 07, 2008


A Week Off

The Brothers are taking a week off after a very busy election week. Riley was down in Norfolk, VA and Bennett just watched way too much Daily Show while taking hits off rank diapers. In any event, they are in no shape to podcast. You'll have to forgive us this trespass.

But here's a taste to get you through the week.

Who would you pick for your flag football team?
Bennett: Palin. She's got wide hips and a mean straight arm.
Riley: A toss up between Rahm Emanuel and Bill Richardson. Richardson would be a great blocking fullback, but you need a scrapy wideout in flag football, so Emanuel gets the call.

Predictions on Sunday's brawl with the Patriots?
Bennett: Pats 23, Bills 17.
Riley: Everything tells me that the Bills are heading south. Injuries are just too much right now. You can't lose your best CB, best pass rusher, best defensive player, and best possession wide receiver while having your best lineman and free safety massively underperforming and still expect to win too many games. But I'm staying on this bandwagon. It's all heart here. Bills 23, Pats 20.

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When he's not writing, or cringing over a rank diaper, you can find Bennett in his LA backyard with a six pack of PBR, ruminating on today's most significant issues, such as how does Magic Shell ice cream topping really work, what happened to Darick Holmes, and why does Bennett's cat insist on crapping in the bathtub.

After spending three years in soccer-loving country, Riley craves his Bills fix. Every Sunday you can find him at McFadden's in DC.

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