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Wednesday, November 12, 2008Nutless Bills Look to Show Junk
1) The Bills went to New England and once again were humbled by Billy B. and a cast of second string characters. The brothers have trouble finding a Bill who actually brought his nuts.
2) Three weeks of dreadful losses, and the brothers wonder if they've seen the real Bills or the fake Bills? Real or fake Trent? Real or fake Peters? Real or fake T. Mcgee? Real or fake K. Mitchell? 3) Riley and Bennett look to dole out a little blame for the losing streak. Both brothers place the blame on guys who aren't even out there playing. Listen in for the scoop. 4) The final roster cuts were made long ago, but the Bills are probably still regretting letting Will James take his game elsewhere. They could definitely use the guy now, huh? 5) Bennett's son has taken to showing his junk to any and all visitors. Is this a good thing? You bet. 6) The Browns come to The Ralph very a Monday night battle. The Bills -- now in last place in the AFC East -- really need this one. But will they get it? |
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