Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Monday, November 24, 2008


McLovin' It

1) A week after a crushing loss to the Browns on Monday night, the Bills went to KC and bitch-slapped the Chiefs with plenty of nut-worthy performances.

2) A New York Times article claims NFL players are popping Viagra for increased blood flow. Uh, this sounds like a bad idea. Nothing like sportin' a chub during the game.

3) Last week Riley and Bennett pondered whether the Bills' season was unofficially over at 5-5. Is it still over at 6-5, or is there a glimmer of hope somewhere?

4) Yearning for a winning team, the brothers' parents have resorted to UB Bulls games. Is this an act of desperation, or are the folks onto something?

5) San Francisco visits The Ralph with a bunch of scrubs looking to lay down. Riley and Bennett both think the Bills should win this one with ease.

Yes, win with ease. Unless you're talking about the Bills, in which case win with ease means lose with abject pain and suffering. Regardless, keep up the good work, guys.

Rob (originally from Buffalo, now stranded in Northern VA)
How we hung just 3 points on the 29th ranked defense in the NFL still blows my mind. Throughout this season, it's been injuries on offense that have told the story: Reed and Butler, principally. It's hard to explain what happened.

I think the Bills are more reliant on their special teams than we talk about. Moorman's bad punting. Lindel's shanks. Early in the season the special teams were making the difference between losses and wins. They're doing the same now...just in the wrong direction.
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When he's not writing, or cringing over a rank diaper, you can find Bennett in his LA backyard with a six pack of PBR, ruminating on today's most significant issues, such as how does Magic Shell ice cream topping really work, what happened to Darick Holmes, and why does Bennett's cat insist on crapping in the bathtub.

After spending three years in soccer-loving country, Riley craves his Bills fix. Every Sunday you can find him at McFadden's in DC.

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