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Friday, October 24, 2008Serious Football
1) The Bills shot down the high-flying Charger offense, but the defense took away a couple of straps. Tune in to find out why. The Brothers are guaranteeing a podcast free from bad "electric" puns based on either transformers or Chargers.
2) Is Edwards wearing mascara? Maybe, maybe not, but the Brothers use the opportunity to discuss what's their favorite femme product. 3) It's early yet, but is 2008 the biggest draft bust in Bills history? Where's McKelvin? Hardy? Has Chris Ellis entered the Witness Protection Program? And what does this mean to the Bills this season? 4) The injury bug has officially bitten. Crowell, now DiGiorgio. McGee and Schobel are sidelined. Time for a game of true false? McGee is the player we most need back. Schobel should shut it down for a month. DiGiorgio will hurt more than Crowell. 5) Whitner has been moved around a lot: corner, free safety, safety. Now there's a new former that cuts Ko Simpson out of the picture. Is this a good idea? The Brothers disagree. 6) The Bills head south to hot Miami to face off against the on-again, off-again Dolphins. Will the Bills come away with a W in their first divisional action? Bennett seems to have a pair of crystal balls while Riley, well, you get the picture. |
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