Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Post-Charger Video

CBS commentators give a post-game wrap-up:

Interview with Mitchell. My favorite part, "Whatever his name is." Just note how he talks about practice. These guys are prepared.

NFL.com Highlights

so much to like about this game: the defense, Trent in the zone, the lee evans td, freddy jackson absolutely destroying that dude (jammer?) on the lynch td run. this was a game that the Bills from last year, the Bills for the better part of the last decade, really, would LOSE. bad teams find ways to blow it, good teams capitalize. Go Bills
That was Jammer getting destroyed. Loved it after Jammer took that cheap shot at Lynch in the end zone. Bennett thought it was fine, but I thought dude was way late in getting there.

I think there are a lot of games that the Bills from last year would have lost: Jax, Oakland, maybe St Louis. The fact is, Edwards stats aren't much. They look like Losman's when he's playing okay. They look like Pennington's. But the difference is the guy's a winner. He plays his best in the fourth quarter; he rarely goes 3-and-out; he hits Parrish on the sidelines. That stuff makes a difference and it doesn't always show on the stat line.
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