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Thursday, October 09, 2008Child's Play
1) Bennett's oldest joins the discussion on the Desert Debacle. The Bills were certainly Nutless but someone has to take home the hardware. Tune in to find out who.
2) Of all the coaches drafted in 2006, is Jauron really the best? He certainly smokes the likes of the newly unemployed Scott Linehan and Marvin Lewis, who has been reduced the role of school marm. But does he knock off Mike McCarthy and Sean Payton? 3) Riley has been dominating his fantasy football league. But wait! It's all former Peace Corps Volunteers. Can he still brag about it? Well, he'll certainly try. 4) Bennett's got a beard of nose hair to go with his nasty body odor issues. Yes, mid-life crisis is upon him. You've really got to see how he's handling it. 5) With no game next week, the Brothers play a game of True or False: Is Dick Jauron the coach of the future? Are Schobel and Kelsey the answer at DE? Is Edwards too fragile? You want answers, the Brothers have them. Special Bonus: Hear Bennett's son gurgle cute sounds. No really. We're serious. |
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