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Friday, July 25, 2008Bills Looking to "Mesh"
1) Stud left tackle Jason Peters was a no-show on the first day of training camp. Does he deserve a new deal, or should J. Pete shut up and play out his contract?
2) There's no debating that Marshawn Lynch hit someone with his Porsche that night in Allentown. But there is debate over whether Beast Mode actually knew he hit someone. 3) The brothers' beloved grandfather had successful hip surgery, but for some reason his balls have swelled to the size of softballs. And what's with his choice of underwear? The horrified brothers discuss. 4) As the Bills head into training camp, Riley and Bennett look at a couple key battles that are worth keeping an eye on. Robert Royal, watch your back. 5) The NFL Network recently named Steve Tasker to their list of best players NOT in the NFL. Both the brothers want their beloved special teams ace in the hall, but will he ever get there? |
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