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Saturday, April 26, 2008Round 2
Bennett: they wanted the biggest receiver. they got the biggest one.
Riley: this was unbelievable. they had Malcolm Kelly, Limas Sweed, and James Hardy all there in Round 2. They got the player they wanted, though I'm not sure why Sweed and Kelly weren't the answer. Bennett: effort problems sometimes. that has to be a concern. but dude, he's enormous. you have to wonder why, if this was the guy the bills wanted, they didn't go up and get him. did they really want devin thomas and just settle? or did they want one of the other wrs who went earlier? they clearly weren't interested in a te. they think royal's the answer. Riley: I'm concerned with his character issues. Bennett: that's great. i can't wait for him to do blow before the game. |
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