Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Saturday, April 26, 2008


ESPN to Bills: Your First-Round Drafting Sucks

A harsh critique of past Bills' drafts by Mark Sando on ESPN misses the point. Three of the Bills' past four picks have started over 80% of their games. And there's strong arguments that all three are Pro Bowl material.

The critique also fails as (and I really hate the dude) McGahee has gone on to become a very capable starting RB. So the only clear flop on the list is Losman. I fail to see the difference between this and the much praised Jets drafting other than the lineman v. skill position.

And this isn't even getting into the arbitrary 5-year distinction and the fact that there are three different drafting regimes at play.

Sando's bio says he lives in Tacoma and has covered the Seahawks for 9 years.

I'm going to take his opinion with a BIG grain of salt.
Good point. Bennett and I often talk about how your average Bills fan knows more about the Bills' needs and drafts than your average national NFL reporter. You just can't know 32 teams the way a fan knows his team.

That said, if Sando puts himself out there as a national expert, review the past five years of all 32 teams' drafts, and I get to rip into him. You do too. And let's start with Tacoma.
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