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Thursday, January 03, 2008Philly Finale
1) The Bills laid a stinker in Philly to end the season at a disappointing 7-9, but the brothers manage to find a couple bright spots out there in unheralded Bryan Scott and Division III graduate John DiGiorgio.
2) Sixteen weeks ago, Riley and Bennett made their season predictions. Now that the season's over, how do those predictions look? And can we call a 7-9 season a success? 3) Bennett's not much for politics, but he's got something to say about Benazir Bhutto and all that Pakastani business. His advice to Bhutto's son: stay in school, kid! 4) The brothers hand out a few end of season awards, high-lighted by the "Mike Gandy Award," doled out to the player who, well, sucked the most. 5) Bennett's lot of "Rejected Christmas Gifts" is up to thirty bucks, but the brothers' parents are none too pleased about their kids regifting and recycling. Oh, so we should just take that mustard-colored lanyard and stick it in the back of the closet for the next fifty years? 6) A 7-9 team has more than a few holes to fill, and Riley knows where the most gaping one lies: right in between the defensive ends. Will new Bills management recognize where the team needs help? Let's hope so. |
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