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Friday, December 28, 2007Merry Christmas: Giants Maul Bills
1) The Bills started strong against the Giants, then stud guard Jason Peters (he who brought his nuts) headed to the locker room with a groin injury. What happened next? The Bills got rolled, with the left side of the offensive line looking "as open as Brittney's yawning vijajay." That ain't good.
2) Christmas is the time for good cheer, heavy drinking, and getting unwanted gifts from friends and relatives. What does one do with all that unwanted crap? Ebay, baby! And just wait until you hear what Bennett gave Riley a few years back. Bah-bah black sheep, have you any wool? 3) The Bills signed return ace Roscoe Parrish to a long-term deal to the tune of twelve million dollars over four years. Is the blue smurf worth the big bucks, or is this yet another bad decision from Marv and the gang? 4) Did you hear about the tiger who jumped a thirty foot moat and ripped some teenager's head off at the San Fran zoo the other day? Tragedy? Nah. Justice. Don't fuck with tigers. 5) With respect and draft order at stake, the Bills head to Philly and a date with Brian Westbrook. Will the Bills claim a .500 record, or will fold and look ahead to a juicy early to mid first round selection? |
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