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Monday, December 03, 200750th Podcast: The Cleto Ruis Dias Episode
1) Riley repents and the brothers clash over McGee's performance Sunday as Nuts and Straps get handed out.
2) Speaking of nuts, Bennett's been fathering children like Cleto Ruis Dias. Is it time to get snipped? 3) Lindell sails a 36 yard kick wide right. Gibbs doesn't call a second time out. Edwards doesn't throw a bullet to Josh Reed for 30 yards. What if this game had come out differently? What would the headlines be? 4) Joe Gibbs decided to reassure Bills fans that they don't have the worst coach in the league (though there's some argument for Cam Cameron). By trying to twice-ice the kicker, Gibbs put the game on ice for the Bills. 5) The 0-12 Dolphins roll into the Ralph next weekend. It's a must-win and a gimme-win for the Bills. It makes Riley nervous, but Bennett predicts big things for the suddenly resurrgent Bills. Are the playoffs in order? |
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