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Tuesday, November 27, 2007JV Losman, R.I.P.
1) JP was JV, and the Bills imploded in their loss to the Jags. But what about that Fred Jackson? The brothers like what they've seen. FJ is mini-beast mode.
2) Riley's heading in for his "adjustment of status interview" this week. Gerard Depardieu, eat your heart out. Or something like that. 3) Bennett's new baby arrived a month early, and everyone except for old man grandpa is psyched. And if you're wondering, the west coast Wide Right Radio correspondent was there to see it all. Business end. 4) No question the Sean Taylor incident is tragic, but the brothers are more focused on Taylor's weapon of choice: the machete. Sweet. 5) The Bills head to the nation's capital for a showdown with the Skins. Will Marshawn be back in the line-up? Will Trent Edwards make a difference? Will the Bills hang around in the playoff race for yet another week? |
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