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Friday, September 07, 2007Mile High Time
1) Instead of playing it safe and heading for Hawaii or the Greek islands, Riley took his new bride to Peru for their honeymoon. Now Riley's back, ready to spin tall tales of massive earthquakes and breathless sexual adventures. Listen in for all the gruesome details.
2) With the regular season underway this week, it's time for the brothers to throw out a few "awards." Who will win the Anthony Hargrove award and be the first -- make that second -- to be suspended for use of a banned substance? Who will claim the Mike Gandy award, given to the player who flat out sucks? And then there's the Willis McGahee award. No podcast would be complete without mention of the self-proclaimed greatest running back in the game. 3) For the past eighteen months Bennett's been stressing over the size of his son's package. Finally, a breakthrough. 4) Travis Henry and his herd of Broncos bring their punishing brand of run-first football to The Ralph on Sunday. Riley thinks the Bills special teams will keep it close, while Bennett's holding out hope for a miracle win. |
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