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Friday, September 28, 2007Death March
1) To no one's surprise, Tom Brady and the Pats dismantled the Bills to the tune of 38-7, just three points off Riley's 38-10 pre-game prediction. While the jockstraps were many, the brothers do find a couple Bills who actually brought their nuts.
2) Before the season started, Riley thought the Bills would go 5-11. Bennett had them at 6-10. It's time to give that schedule another gander and reassess. Forget a winning season. The brothers just wonder how long until those drunks in the upper deck start sporting the brown bag head gear. 3) Michael Vick backed up his dog fighting with a little herb smoking. Sweet. But why does the NFL insist on testing for a drug that is far from performance enhancing? 4) Reports have famed Steel town coach Bill Cower looking to return to the NFL. Any chance he can step into the Bills job? |
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