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Thursday, September 20, 2007Coffee, Juice, Defeat
1) The Steelers dismantled the depleted Bills, and there are no shortages of jockstraps to hand out. Amazingly, Riley still found one guy out there who brought it. As for Bennett, he's just psyched one of the Bills took the time to pose for a photo with dear old mom.
2) The Juice is back in the news, and while Bennett wonders how OJ has any kind of posse to roll with, Riley finds it all just plain sad. 3) Starbucks. Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Peete's. Folks toting their extra large coffees are driving Bennett nuts. Does he have a legit gripe, or is he just a cheap ass bitch? 4) The Bills stumble into New England as sixteen point underdogs. Will the real JP Losman show up and keep this one close, or will the Pats roll to another lopsided victory? |
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