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Tuesday, August 14, 2007New Additions
1) Finally, some action. The Bills took on the Saints last Friday, and Riley's ready with his list of what you need to know about the game. Is Langston Walker the second coming of Mike Gandy? Can Fred Jackson come from nowhere to win a spot on the roster? Can Bennett move the Bills up on his TiVo season pass manager so he can actually record the games and not that crappy HGTV his wife loves so much? Listen in for the scoop.
2) Jim Kelly's expressed interest in obtaining a piece of the Bills, should Ralph Wilson kick the bucket. Does Jimbo really have the 200 million it would take to party in Orchard Park? 3) Bennett's wife has another bun in the oven. Yeah, boy number two is en route. Bennett's worried that a second son will drive his wife to ask for another shot in the sheets, hoping for a girl. Will he go for three? 4) Defensive end Anthony Hargrove worked over some cops and then got busted for violating the league's substance abuse policy. Riley thinks it's time to cut the gregarious lineman loose, while Bennett thinks smoking some sticky-icky is really no big deal. |
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