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Tuesday, May 01, 2007NFL Draft and Ass Combing
1) While the Brothers ponder who the Bills will nab with the 12th pick in this Sunday's NFL Draft (another Willis? the naughty Lynch? or perhaps a gentleman you've never heard of who experts thought would come off the board in the 7th round?), they deeply question Mel Kiper's decision making in the mock drafts and mock turtlenecks.
2) Today marks the start of a new series: What Would Willis Do? Instead of asking what Jesus would do in a situation, Bennett and Riley look into their magic 8 ball and wonder...what would the departed Willis McGahee do in this situation. Who would Willis draft? 3) The Bills schedule hit the streets a few weeks ago. Riley doesn't think it's so tough while Bennett wonders how many weeks it will take for the Bills to get win number one. 4) Riley's been contemplating recycled toilet paper. Bennett has better ideas. Ever heard of the "glove"? If not, listen in. 5) The Sabres and Rangers lock horns this Wednesday. Bennett's scared of the Rangers while Riley's just worried about Sean Avery. Either way, it's shaping up to be a long, tough series.
you can thank my fucknut brother for that one...jackass skipped town with his woman before getting it up...
as for the bills, i like what they did on day 1, perplexed by a couple of the picks on day 2...would have been nice to see a db pick somewhere in there...i guess we'll get a chance to see if "yo'booty" can play...
Yeah. My fault. I actually like what they did on day two. They picked up a guy who could be a real good special teamer, didn't reach for players. You don't want to go for need that late in the draft...just go for the best player on the board.
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I still think the Bills are on a three year plan (last year being the first). This year they'll be better, but still soft at the DB position with a lot of youth. Make sure JP and Evans get long-term deals and we might be talking a nice little run in 2008 or 2009. Final note on DBs: the cover two says--theoretically--that the DBs don't need to be that good since you've got two guys on them. They're not on a island. What you really need to worry about it pressure on the passer, which is why you saw the Bills trade up for a Middle LB. << Home |
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