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Wednesday, January 03, 2007Bills Lose Finale, Willis Heading for Hollywood
1) The Bills wrapped up a better than expected season with a tough loss to Ray Lewis and the Ravens. Kyle Williams picks up his first nut, while Peerless finds himself holding the strap, accused of "making no effort to come back to the ball, even with McAlister closing faster than Rosanne Barr on an In-N-Out Double Double." Yeah, that's some flowery language for you. Enjoy.
2) Rumors on the Internet (or "Internets" as George Bush calls it) have Matt Leinart hooking up with the well shaved Brittney Spears. Should the Heisman trophy winner be macking on K-Fed's ex, or should have he done better? Iraq War? G. Ford kicking the bucket? Israel-Lebanon conflict? Not important. This is. Listen in for the scoop. 3) When asked for his New Year's resolution, self-proclaimed "best running back in football" Willis McGahee responded: "I'm planning on making to Hollywood. I have to get this face on the big screen, man. You know I got to let people see me all the time. I don't need a helmet blocking everything. I need to be right there where people come see my premiere." Sweet. And Willis, Bennett's got a semen-crusted futon waiting for you in his guest bedroom in Los Angeles. 4) After months of nut-clutching anxiety, Riley aced the LSAT to the tune of 171. His secret? Cramming? Abstinence? Man diaper? Nope. Steroids. It's not just for offensive linemen anymore. 5) Takeo Spikes led the team in tackles on Sunday. Is this a sign he'll be his former self when camp opens next summer, or is Spikes destined to hang up his cleats and spend his days stuffing gorditas into that monster neck of his? The brothers debate. |
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