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Wednesday, December 20, 2006Smoked Fish With a Side of Post-season Hope
1) The Brother revel in a early 90's-era style thrashing of the Dolphins. Bennett waxes poetic on Keith Ellison while Riley deems Mularkey's performance nut worthy. The Fins also manage to pick up one of the straps while a certain wide receiver gets the other. Listen in for the flogging.
2) The Bills are hot, hot, hot. But the question is this: Who's responsible for the Bills turnaround? Is it Levy? Jauron? Or Donohoe? The brother bicker, argue, and arrive at an unusual conclusion. 3) You know you want to hear about a guy taking a dump on a hospital floor. You're a little ashamed, we know. But you want to know more. It's okay. Click here. 4) The Bills are sending three-legged Mooreman and tight-lipped Schobel to Honolulu for the Pro Bowl. Instead of revelling in the selections, Bills Nation is up in arms at the snub of Fletcher, Clements, and Evans. The Brothers offer a collective yawn. 5) Bennett busts out his abacus and unleashes the fury that is figuring out the Bills playoff chances. What is the one ring to rule them all? Will you be demeaned to rooting for the Dolphins come Monday night? Also see what WGR had to say. 6) In order to even think about the playoffs, the Bills need to win out, including this Sunday's game against the Titans. Bennett stares deep into his hairy crystal ball and pulls out a rancid prediction. Riley chips in too, but given his record most of our listeners simply don't give shit. All that, and listen to Bennett sound like an 85 year-old chain smoker. Good times. Tune in or we kill the puppy. See the highlights on YouTube. |
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