Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Roid Rage and Crotch Rot

1) Riley sings a different tune as one of his classic whipping boys Merrimanwhips out a nut while Bennett dishes out the other half sack to an injured warrior. Listen to the boys get violent and give Dicky a strapping.

2) The Chargers' Shawne Merriman (left) returned from a four game 'roid suspension, but the brothers think he's still as juiced as OJ was guilty. Bennett gives the over under on Merriman getting a year-long suspension.

3) Hart and Phillips of the Chargers are accusing Mario Haggan of playing dirty during the on-sides kick. Phillips thinks Mario should "pinch" but not "twist." Mario's playing hard to get and hasn't returned any of Phillips calls. Will the love birds unite? On the next Geraldo.

Spears4) From things that should be shaved (Geraldo's mustache) to things that probably shouldn't have been, Britney Spears (right) decided now was a good time to expose her cooch, c-section scar and all. Bennett explains why this new Britney kind of does it for him. Missed the cooch shot? Check it out.

Cold5) The brothers think that Super Bowls in warm weather and domes suck. They want cold. Wind. Snow. Rain. Real football (left).

6) Finally, what's going to happen next Sunday when the Bills line up against the New Jersey Jets? The brother's stare deeply into Geraldo's mustache and attempt to see the future. They'll probably only get lice, but—as the Buffalo News inexplicably said—that's the way they roll.

wow...and i thought the bills had huge gaps to run through til i saw that britney spears pic.
yo Buffalo Brothers, it's 16 f-ing degrees outside my window and snowing! you can have it! :)
If the NYTimes had some balls, it would run a feature piece on famous men/women who had exposed themselves unintentionally. Outside of the intentional (my childhood scared by Peewee Herman getting caught wanking it in public, the audience of a Sugar Ray concert being singularly unimpressed when the lead singer decided to drop his pants), none are coming to mind. Maybe a multimedia slide show.

Here's one for you...what's the coldest weather you've ever been in? Rules of the game: you have to have actually been outside in this weather for more than 5 minutes for it to count.
sunny and warm out here in LA...of course it took me over an hour to drive across town last night...and i paid eleven dollars for a beer while out...i'd get a whole round of drinks for that in buffalo...

and hey riley, what the fuck are you staring at in that photo? looks like you're on some ship, pondering the meaning of life...or maybe just pondering THE HORROR that is britney's nasty, k-fedded crotch.
Easy up dude. The picture was actually taken at Meteora in Greece. It was a singularly beautiful day.

Plus, you don't want to see a close up of my ugly mug.
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When he's not writing, or cringing over a rank diaper, you can find Bennett in his LA backyard with a six pack of PBR, ruminating on today's most significant issues, such as how does Magic Shell ice cream topping really work, what happened to Darick Holmes, and why does Bennett's cat insist on crapping in the bathtub.

After spending three years in soccer-loving country, Riley craves his Bills fix. Every Sunday you can find him at McFadden's in DC.

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