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Thursday, October 19, 2006Bills Need to "Band" Together
1) Rumors in the media have Randy Moss headed for the Patriots. Is a deal in the works, and just what would Al Davis want in return? Either way, the thought of Moss in a Pats uni has the brothers shaking in their stadium seats. Listen to the brothers' unease.
2) Major League Baseball announced a marketing deal that will have team logos on caskets and urns. After starting with baseball, Eternal Image hopes to branch out by making similar deals with the NFL. Bennett's horrified, but Riley thinks this is capitalism at its finest. 3) As reported on widerightradio, Lions defensive line coach Joe Cullen got hauled off for rolling through Wendy's, sans pants. Maybe it was all part of his master plan, as the Detroit ends lit up Gandy and friends for a gaggle of sacks. The brothers wonder if the Bills coaching staff shouldn't take similar measures to help prep the team. Hey Jauron, pass the Jergens! 4) The Bills kept it close with the Pats back in week one, but a lot's transpired since then. Will JP and the gang hang with Brady and the boys? Bennett and Riley make their predictions. |
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