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Wednesday, October 11, 2006Autopsy In: Bears Maul Bills
1) There's no argument over what happened on Sunday, but the brothers find plenty to bicker over when it comes to handing out the nuts and the straps. Riley feels strongly that punter Brian Moorman brought the nuts, while Bennett insists Moorman's muffing of the fake punt was the beginning of the end. How does this all relate to Robin Williams and his new flick, MAN OF THE YEAR? Listen in for the scoop.
2) If the Bears game proved anything, it's that the rebuilding Bills are still at least a year away from prime time. Was Angry Mike right in claiming the Bills looked like a JV team out there, or are the Bears really just that good? 3) In a recent ESPN poll, J.P. Losman was ranked as the league's 21st ranked quarterback. Too high? Too low? Just right? The brothers debate. 4) The Bills get creamed by 34, then hours later the Jets are pasted by 38. Even with perennial superbowl contender New England at 4-1, is it safe to assume the AFC East is the worst division in football? |
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