Wide Right RadioWide Right Radio

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


You Must Read This: Fins Articles

Hardcore fan? Hate reading the same recap over and over again? Here are five articles you shouldn't miss:
Saban should've used his reliever—Quarterback controversy in Miami? Ahhh, the pleasure of watching others go down in defeat.
Are the Bills contenders, pretenders or in between?—Are they serious? Well...kind of. Sal and Leo from the Democrat and Chronicle have at it over what a 1-1 record means to Bills fans.
J.P.'s Disaster Play Better the Second Time—Kilgore's piece on Losman perfectly frames the two eras, Donohoe/Mularkey and Levy/Jauron.
Thomas a Fit at Nickel in Week Two—Never even saw this. How did Greer get into the dog house?
How to Keep Your Man Covered—NFL.com's piece by corners on coverage. Great piece for people who've read everything else.

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When he's not writing, or cringing over a rank diaper, you can find Bennett in his LA backyard with a six pack of PBR, ruminating on today's most significant issues, such as how does Magic Shell ice cream topping really work, what happened to Darick Holmes, and why does Bennett's cat insist on crapping in the bathtub.

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