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Saturday, September 23, 2006Will Blaylock's Kid Down the Jets?
1) Jets starting running back Derrick Blaylock looked "weary" upon returning from the birth of his fourth child. Riley thinks the guy will be fine for Sunday, but Bennett (the dad) thinks Blaylock's in for three months of hell and shouldn't be anywhere but the sideline. And how does this all relate to getting hemorrhoids in Mexico? Take a listen.
2) The Jets bring their suddenly red-hot passing game to The Ralph. Will Pennington and company continue their magical ride on Buffalo's turf, or will Buffalo's corners shut it all down? 3) Is Ed Anzalone, the hardcore Jets fan and NYC firefighter known for his raucous J-E-T-S chant, a working class fan we should respect for his passion, or a loud-mouthed jackass we should consider muzzling? 4) The brothers make their predictions, with Bennett looking to go 3-0 and Riley looking to get on the board. |
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