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Thursday, September 28, 2006Strap It On: Jets Debrief
1) On Sunday against the Jets, the Bills had a three hundred yard passer, a hundred yard rusher, and two hundred yard receivers. And still lost. Huh?
2) The brothers hand out their nuts (no, not literally), with Clements and the O-Line getting their props. The straps? Listen in for the goods. 3) Riley unloads on Willis for missing the key block that decided the game. Bennett piles on. How does this all relate to catching a good buzz off Romanian milk? Yeah, it's complicated. 4) Terrell Owens tried to kill himself. Or didn't. Or did. Or, well, who knows with that guy. Regardless, Bennett feels the NFL has a responsibility to get the dude into therapy before he "goes Hemingway all over his Escalade," while Riley thinks we should all just let T.O. melt down in peace. |
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