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Friday, January 01, 2010Countdown to Colonoscopy
1) The brothers took last week off, and the Bills did the same. Stinky, stinky jockstraps everywhere, even upstairs.
2) Ralph made his big hire for the GM position. Bill Cowher? Mike Shannahan? Bill Parcells? Nope. Some old dude no one's ever heard of. Great. Thanks, Ralph! 3) Dick Clark helped ring in the new year, stroked out and all. Dick, please stay home December 31; you're killing our buzz. 4) Rookie sensation Jarius Byrd is heading to the Pro Bowl, but Riley's not sure he deserves it. Listen in as the brothers debate. 5) Indy comes to town with zippo to play for. The brothers smell a W for the home team, and a nice slide down the draft order. |
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